Universal Taxi Dispatch, Inc. offers Expedited Airport
Return Service for both O'Hare & Midway Airports.
When you arrive, please collect your luggage, then
Call 1-888-344-8294 and we will provide you with a Taxi
Number and Terminal Location for your quick pick up.
Once you have received your Location and Taxi Number,
it is important that you wait for your specific vehicle
to arrive. The airports tend to be busy with constant
Taxis picking up customers, please make sure that you
enter the vehicle that you are assigned to.
NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: Please Be Aware of other taxis illegally soliciting our passengers at the airports. Although vehicles may be similar in color or design, there is no substitute for Universal Taxi and the Taxi Number that has been assigned to you. Our vehicles are white in color with black stripes and black lettering. Should you have any questions, please contact us to reconfirm your taxi number at 1(888)344-TAXI.